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Who is Jonathan Joel?

Motivational Muses Exclusive Feature | by Anastasia Logan

Photo by @kenzi.maroney on Instagram.

Calling Nashville, Tennessee home, this young artist has combined pop with classical and jazz resulting in perfectly danceable music for all the enjoy. Inspired by artists such as Britney Spears and Janet Jackson, Jonathan describe his music as, "if George Michael and Lindsey Stirling had a baby." Now I for one adore Lindsey Stirling so of course this intrigued me about who he was and how his music came to be.

His musical journey began when he was only 4-years-old and decided to picked up the violin after watching a group of children playing the four-stringed instrument on the television. From that moment Jonathan knew he wanted to play and did just that. While music was a large part of his life, Jonathan did not start creating music until he got to college. Before writing music he wrote poetry but never did anything with what he wrote. After he took production classes he started to experiment with writing music and saw the vision for where he wanted his music to go and how it could be executed.

In 2017, Jonathan released his first single, "Stronger" which became the most memorable. This single represented a number of firsts. First song released to the world. First time a song was created with a producer in studio. First music video produced. Finally in the words of Jonathan himself "That first experience of showing your soul to the world-there’s nothing like it." This song also sprouted memories for those who first heard it. "People always remember the first thing you did, it's special." I would very much agree with this statement. Music holds impact for not only the artist but those who listen, which is why the first singles are some of the most important.

In 2018, his second single, "Mascara" was released and it was just as marvelous as the first. He plans to release two new singles some time this year and once I am aware of them I shall share with the world!

Back in December of 2018, was one of Jonathan's first shows and it was a hit with many. The overwhelming positive responses from this first show were remarkable and he cannot wait to do it over and over again. Show dates are going to be released throughout this year. Make sure to grab a show if it is possible. On the fence about attending? Go check out his YouTube channel and see footage of this first show and I think that will be all the convincing needed to attend one in the future.

Achievements and improvement go hand in hand, especially for those new to the industry. While Jonathan knows he has a long way to go he realizes the small achievements along the road. Having people listen to his music and tell their stories about the impact it had on them will never get old. Getting positive feedback after preforming his first show was a beacon to making each show just as memorable as the first.

Creating music can be rewarding and inspirational many times there are challenges that shape the journey artists take. Alongside financial burdens of starting a musical project. Jonathan also dealt with teaching himself a lot about how the music industry operates and sacrifices that have to be made. Not having any friends or family in the industry caused him to start from the ground and work his way up. Challenges always result in growth for the artist not only as a creative figure but as an individual.

One can always learn more about themselves throughout life and the music industry always has a lesson or two. Learning to trust his gut with artistic instincts and being decisive with artistic elements is something that shows in his music. Knowing that the challenges are important to improve because if this was easy everyone would be doing it. Lastly, not being afraid to say no. Sometimes saying yes is easier, but when it comes to creating musician one's own image it is important to keep true to who they are as people and artists.

Oh my goodness looks like this is the coming end of this blog post! Which means... yup time for fun facts!

Jonathan seems to be quite to musical talent. He can sing, play violin and put on a good show. There was a point in his life where he played the tuba! Yup. I for one was quite surprised by this little fact. Since the tuba and violin are about as polar opposites as instruments can get! I can appreciate a multi-instrumental individual. Is that even a valid word? Who knows.

This is the official end of this post of an amazing young artist! Make sure to check out the "Meet and Greet" page to get information of all social media and streaming services for his music.

Measure your life in love!


Advice from Jonathan!

"Whatever it is that you dream of doing, you can do it!

There’s no greater feeling than going after something you have always wanted to do. The payoff is priceless."

"Whatever it is that you want to do, believe that there is a reason why you have those desires. They’re there to help you be the greatest version of yourself and have a fruitful life, but also to be a part of something bigger."

"When we realize that there is life outside of just ourselves, we open our capacity to achieve greatness and really impact the world. And THAT is true success and happiness."

"It’s not in the measurement of physical possessions, status, beauty, or other materialistic items. At the end of the day those things will leave you empty."

"Measure your life in love!"


Connect with Jonathan Joel


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