New Album: "Native Noise" by Macatier
Motivational Muses Review | by Manny Madera
Released on: July 31, 2020
In periods of constant perplexity and indefinite change, the strengths of independent artists bellow madly for strangers to hear and strand themselves within. Performer Dan Dudek-Brown presents his musical persona, Macatier, with the intention of reviving feelings of angst and genuineness.
Macatier pulls the audience away from a quarantined world into a punk infested trek with his debut album Native Noise that is both wonderful and destructively diverting. Nonetheless, the UK soloist arrives with fashionable timing to provide listeners with aural vehemence and untypical rawness.
The starting track, aptly titled “Hiding in Plain Sight,” gives proper insight as to what the audience should expect. Reminiscent of adolescent melancholy, Brown viciously tears apart reality by exposing the desperation of growing up and the sentiment of being stuck.
“Lacerations” is distinctive not only by being the lead single, but by metamorphosing itself into an unarguable Ramones-esque anthem that is worthy of being the highlight of the album. The unorthodox lyricism merges with a revolutionary style that becomes identifiable with the passing of every eclectic guitar riff and the likeness of Joey Ramone in the strangely enticing vocals.
When “Henry Chinaski” dives out of the underground and flops atop the album, it does so calmly and strangely. An absolute gemstone that would be snubbed at first, but its acoustic simplicity makes the following repetitions of the track effective in showcasing the prowess of a capable individualistic artist. The world might present itself doubtful of Brown’s abilities to tie in the stripped-off views of both adolescents and lost adults, but there is an undying sense of humor and zany realism that trudges fantastically alongside the raw resonance of Brown’s Macatier.
The second single, “Consigliere,” is unbothered by the interlude that was “Warsaw” but does happen to follow along with a similar thematic that is evident within the album. Its unconventional fun and straightforward lyrics toys around joyously but seemingly constructed to be rhythmic in nature rather than provide mysticism and complexity to the genre it follows.
The audience watches as this artist serves itself slices of authenticity with the lead singles, but it is the seasoned in-between tracks that are capable of carrying a more primitive sentimentality to the corners of the world, to and fro, and while there is much left that is unheard, Macatier is challenged by himself to become a pivotal figure in a post-post punk music scene.
The question to be asked is whether every listener needs a little less or a little more of each artist they gladly listen to, but with the artistry that Macatier commands, it should be comprehended that there are those that have lingered in the sound of a previous generation, modified it to their liking, and amplified the complexity within it, some for better and some for worse. Nevertheless, Macatier cannot go unheard, as his trajectory is never-ending and circles around so that both young and old can twirl along together in mutual comprehension.
Make sure to give Native Noise a listen today and follow Macatier on all social media to stay updated on all upcoming projects.
Macatier is the indie-punk project of Dan Dudek-Brown from Bristol, UK.
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