Who are Plaid Dracula?
Motivational Muses Exclusive Feature | by Anastasia Logan

Glam aesthetic, great music and inspiration from an unforgettable creature of the night with a twist, gave life to the self-proclaimed "pop-rockers" of Plaid Dracula. Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, this group was formed in 2014, by friends Jake and current guitar and vocalist Sam Gelernter. While these two were able to create music amongst themselves they hesitated calling the project a "band." This all changed in 2017, when bassist Rachel Adler and former drummer Ethan Schneider joined, completing the requirements of a full band status.
Plaid Dracula got their name from former member Jake, who came by the name by saying something funny during a rehearsal and it stuck. If I am going to be completely honest, the name is what drew me into wanting to cover this band. Because all I could envision was the infamous Dracula wearing a lot of plaid and not only is that a comical image, it would seem to fit his persona all the way. I think it is time to get back on track with this feature.
In 2018, their debut single "Break an Egg" was released, introducing their work into the world of music. If the cover art or name isn't convincing enough to give this single a listen, let me highlight some of the key points. Sound wise, the "pop rock" is very evident with the guitar used and how the vocals intertwine. Everything aspect of instrumentation play off of one another keeping a balance and makes this song an easy listener. Some may catch a nostalgic vibe that can be appreciated by a variety of individuals. For those who enjoy guitar solos, there is a wonderful one acting as a perfect bridge between verses. Overall, "Break an Egg" is outstanding and is quite different from what I have covered in recent features. Showcasing what this group wants to achieve with their sound and is refreshing to the music scene today.
Following the single was the release of their EP "Love Bites," which elaborates on the sound introduced with the single. One aspect that standout in this EP is the first track. This track is solely instrumental which sets the scene for that listeners can expect throughout the entirety of the EP. Every song stands out in their own way, but come together to bring depth and variety, ensuring that no two combinations are repeated. Shifting from soft vocals and intense instrumentals, there is always something to look forward to with each piece. Fun fact alert! This EP was tracked on 2-inch tape which results in the more nostalgic sound, adding personality to the project. The band also has a sentiment toward this EP, as not only a progression marker, but as a creative process.
I think it reflects some of our best writing and arrangements to-date. The actual creation is very fulfilling, but it’s also more work than play a lot of the time, especially when you’re engineering and producing the whole thing yourselves, which is what we’ve done with everything so far."
Picking a personal favorite was a bit harder than I anticipated, because of how each track has a different style. But after careful consideration, my pick would have to go to, "Pocket." This song is a standout because it shifts from a calm sound to a more intense vibe. I believe this shift can be difficult to achieve and is executed beautifully within this song. Also, the guitar is just a unique sound and adds a lot to the song itself. Make sure to give this EP a listen a determine a personal favorite!
New music is on the horizon! They have just concluded recording four new songs that are planned to be released over the next few months the first will be, "No Reaction." A tour is planned for later in the year. Follow their social media to stay updated with all things music and tour related.
Every achievement big or small holds significance in a musical journey because no two bands or artists will experience the same milestones. Plaid Dracula have been busy in two years they have been together. Starting off the streak was pulling off two 10-day tours in the early years as a band was an incredible experience. Giving them leverage to get their name and music out to the masses. Making connections to individuals in towns that would not have been visited outside of touring is a more personal take in the achievement category, but is still significant. Playing at Mercury Lounge in New York City was sentimental and unforgettable. This venue is where Sam saw his first show after moving to New York and being able to play there will always hold value for not only him as an individual, but as an important progression marker for the band. The future is unwritten for this group, but these achievements have shown what they are capable of and what more they can create.
"Big stuff like that really helps put how far we’ve come and how much work we’ve put into this thing in perspective."
One major challenge that Plaid Dracula are trying to overcome is a major lineup change in light of their longtime drummer Ethan having to leave after finding a job in Austin, Texas. Finding a new drummer as proved to be difficult, but this has not discouraged them and have continued to preform and record given the circumstances. Another challenging factor is a strain on friendships due to the stresses of touring.
"You’re spending all your time with these people every day, and even when the shows are going amazingly and no one in the car is hangry that’s sometimes a challenge."
But even with these factors, Plaid Dracula shows no signs of slowing down and always see the positives in challenges faced.
"We’re lucky enough to have the types of relationships with one another where we can talk things through when there’s an issue, which is really instrumental to making something like this work."  Â
Well darn. It's the end of the post? What a bummer! Get ready for the fun fact of the day!
Road trips require a traveling playlist. Songs to keep everyone engaged and awake during the long night drives. For Plaid Dracula their traveling playlist consists of two very specific albums. Green Day's American Idiot and My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade. This has now become quite the tradition. Not sure about anyone else, but I would love to tour with this group! I mean come on! The music choice is impeccable. Who wouldn't want to kill time by singing along to these bops while staring out the window, pretending life is a movie? Just me? Oh well! Time to conclude this post!
Plaid Dracula are providing glam with the soundtrack of rock to display a spectacular entry in the music world. Elaborating on the sound they have created will be an interesting journey to follow and I cannot wait to see what is brought to life through their creative process.
Touring Advice from Plaid Dracula
"Bring an air mattress on tour. Every basement or living room floor where you crash will have an outlet, and it means you will never be stuck sleeping on uncarpeted concrete with only a sleeping bag for cushioning. Also, baby oil works great as makeup remover if you run out!"
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